Updates from the newly-formed council:
The council met on Wednesday evening. The members are Peter Carr and Bill Kuehnbaum (elected as wardens aka co-chairs), Linda Banks ,Debi Clarke, Brian Gollinger, Elise Hansen: Dianne Maia (co-secretary), Ross Noble, Heather O’Connor, Sheila Oehm, David Parti, Nancy Wood (co-secretary).
Effective this Sunday, a council member will be on duty on Sundays and be available to the congregation and to the community for information and/or support.
June shopping cards
The order for June Shopping Cards is due Sunday June 4 with delivery Sunday June 11. Order forms are on the bulletin board or you can email me your order at djclarkex2@gmail.com Please make your check payable to St. Elizabeths or do an e-transfer. If you have any questions about this fund raiser please ask me. Thank you, Debi Clarke
Spring Flowers (extras) for sale (see photo after the announcements)
4” pots: 7 white wave petunias
7 blue wave petunias
3 lavender wave petunias
2 white geraniums
1 pink geranium
Price: $3.75/4” pot
Please contact Linda Banks @ 905 973 0815 or email: mbanks1@cogeco.ca
Bright, shiny and new!
A “to-do” list has been created for parishioners who have specific requests for staff (Pastor Colin, Dawn, Sonya) and council members. Please write in your requests there on Sundays (we may potentially have short memories, so having something in writing is great, plus Sonya and Dawn don’t have office hours on Sundays). The list is on the stand which formerly held the guest book.
Prayers list update required – and new requests
A printed list of all persons for whom we are praying is available next to the “To-do list” (where the guest book was). We would greatly appreciate if you would review the list and circle the names of all those who are still in need of prayers.
For NEW requests, please add them to them to the prayer book (also on the lectern). For those who added names last week to the “update list”, please enter them into the prayer book and add your name(s), and the duration the prayers are required. Thanks!
ACW: Active Church Women
At our meeting this past Monday a variety of names were given and Active Church Women was the winning name. Our next meeting is June 5th at 11:30 at the Piper Arms Restaurant. All women are welcome. This will be our last meeting until September. Please sign up here:
The boiler has been turned off for the season. We suggest to make sure that those who like to be on the warmer side dress according to the weather.
Elevator key
If you need to use the elevator, the key is located on the side of the wooden mail slots. Please see Pastor Colin if you need training on how to use the elevator. Thanks!
Deadline for announcements
If you would like an announcement published in the email blast, please send it to sonya@burlingtonanglicanlutheranchurch.ca by 2 pm on Thursdays