Voting on the naming of our new church
Council has decided to pass along the complete list of submitted church names. We ask you to pick your Top 3 choices. From everyone selecting their Top 3, we will complete a list of five names that we will pass along to the Bishop in each Diocese for their review. From that, we hope to have 2-3 names that the congregation will vote on. Please note the final selection may include Anglican Lutheran Church or Anglican Lutheran Community. Voting will start this Sunday – the link below will not be active until that time.
**Church open** but Lakeshore Road Closed (from Guelph Line) – July 4th – Dec.
Please see the image in the section below for more details on the road closure and the detour when coming from Guelph Line. Despite the road closure (west of the church only), the church is still open!
Our church needs a handyperson!
Do you know a handyperson that our church could use? Our building often needs small repairs. We would like to find a person to be our main contact for general work when we cannot do the repairs ourselves. This would be a paid position on a fee for service basis. If you know someone who could fill the role, please contact the council-member-on-duty or leave a note with the church. Thanks!
The BIG “key return” event!
Do you have a key to any church doors? How about keys to the elevator? If you are in possession of a church key that you no longer use, please turn it in and mark what the key is for. You can place them in the mail slot for the Nobles (62). Thanks! (Some of our keys (elevator) cannot be copied due to their size/shape).
Bishop’s Company Brunch:
Bishop’s Company Event – we’ll be hosting a special brunch with the bishop on September 14 from 10 till Noon at Liuna Station in Hamilton for members. A letter went out to past members, and we’ll be sharing an invite for new members to join in the coming week. To become a member, you can visit this webpage.
Fall Bazaar:
There will be a fall Bazaar this year! The date is yet to be decided but we wanted to let everyone have a chance to start with preparations. We will need volunteers. Do you do any summer canning, please consider putting aside some for sale at the bake table. If you make any crafts please dust off the knitting needles or sewing machines. There will be more details in the coming months. If you would like to help or need more information please speak to Rick Mt. Pleasant or Debi Clarke
Hall usage/rentals:
For all events requiring use of church space (i.e. Parish Life, ACW, Men’s Club…) please ensure you contact Dawn to verify for availability. She can be reached at 905-637-2741 or
Altar missal/order of service/worship outline:
Please click HERE to access this week’s document.